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| PRIDE Weed Watch |
Welcome to Weed Watch
Education and Research for Integrated Pest Management
PRIDE serves as a cornerstone to build and maintain partnerships between the many cooperators in invasive weed management and education. With this collaborative effort, a more efficient and successful approach to invasive weed management and awareness is achieved. PRIDE’s efforts in pooling of funds and resources from contributors will result in a compounding of investments and rewards.
Panhandle Research Integration for Discovery Education
Nebraska Noxious Weeds
You Are Required To Control Noxious Weeds On Your Property
Pursuant to the Noxious Weed Control Act, section 2-955, subsection 1(a), to every person who owns or controls land in Nebraska, that noxious weeds being grown, or growing on, such land shall be controlled at such frequency as to prevent establishment, provide eradication, or reduce further propagation or dissemination of such weeds.
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Panhandle Invaders
Weeds not designated noxious by State of Nebraska, but are listed as County added noxious weeds in some Nebraska panhandle counties, which landowners are required to control.
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WeedWatch Archive
A Publication of Panhandle Research Integration for Discovery Education Weed Management Area in conjunction with High Plains, Sandhills, West Central, Platte Valley and Twin Valley Weed Management Areas and the Middle Niobrara Weed Awareness Group
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